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Friday, March 25, 2011

FRI 3/25

Ok, awesome I forgot my MRS & my additional added on vitamins (I'll take those with supper) I did remember my strip... yeah NP. My routine was thrown off by adding in 1 Thermoplus to my pre-breakfast vitamins. I've got some low fat/low sugar Luna women's 2 mini bars (160 total) & 1 Quaker mint choc. granola bar (80) 1/2 scoop grape Spark (I'm always 1/2 scoop Spark as a full one would get me beat up at work i'm sure for being super chirpy & happy).  Not everyone wants to have a Sparktastic day apparently... working on getting a few of the AM Dt. Mt. Dewer's to try it but they like the soda taste. Being a reformed Dewer I say I don't miss it at all & would probably feel ill if I had that crap again.
     Not as good as an MRS but not bad. Lunch 12:50pm I almost forgot to take my prepills before I was actually thinking about eating again. 1 HB egg plain (85), 10 baby carrots & minimal salmon dip (yep still the same container of dip & carrots) & remaining 1/2 of that Bear Naked brand granola bar (115 cal.)
4pm~ 1 small banana.
Hoping someone might possibly show up to do Zumba Toning at Shake N' Shed but not holding my breath as they haven't had ANYONE show up for the past 4 weeks for the 6:30pm class. I don't know why I have the late night classes or why there aren't more late night exercisers. I had 1 person stay for 40 min for the class as they had already done 1 hour previously so that was good.
8:45pm Thermoplus
9:15pm Dinner ~ 1/4 lb. burger, cheese slice, K&M, 1Tbs. guac. on a wheat bun, 5 seasoned French fries (not  jumbo sized fries or anything) 2.5c. lettuce salad with 4 Tbs. mango fresh salsa, 10 baby cherry tomatoes & that no cal., no nothing dressing. Holy crud butt i'm stuffed stupid go figure that was like 10 min after I finished I figured it out I ate too much.  2c. dark choc. almond milk & 1tsp. glutamine before bed.
10:15pm Stupid salad... I should have known better or should have taken leptilean since it was so late & I was reasonably hungry (as I should be at that time) but don't know why I still struggle to eat a reasonable amount of food.
Really hoping to see 141 or even possibly 140 on the scale tomorrow AM... that would put me almost a whole week ahead of schedule of my unreasonable goals.


  1. "Unreasonable"? I think your goals are VERY reasonable, given all that you are doing to achieve them! (Not so great, eating fries though... I had to admonish you for that)... Very impressed with your progress!!!

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  3. They were baked in the toaster oven. Having only a few isn't gonna hurt me. Having bad food every once in awhile isn't like NEVER ever... it's all about moderation & making sure you don't make a little piggy of yourself which I didn't. :)
