OK I officially hate jeans day....& it's mostly Advocare's fault. I almost was late to work since I pulled the jeans that fit me just hunky-dory fine last Friday out of the clean clothes basket & now they don't fit... I know totally sucks huh? It's not why you might think they don't fit....LOL
I'm going out during lunch & getting a belt out of my bag, as I feel like a gangsta pulling my pants up every 25 min. if I leave my desk. I almost lost my PJ bottoms out with the dogs this AM too. (Don't worry I was wearing a housecoat) So no free shows... This weekend if it has an "L" on it it's going away as they are the ones that are size "L" are just dropping off of me. Wearing high heels & jeans too. Apparently, casual Friday doesn't involve gym shoes. Guess I'll have to switch them out when I go walk to get lunch. E&G's coupons 50% off were great I get 2 lunches (since 1 sandwich lasts 2 meals) for like $2.50 with the paper coupon! paid .71 cents for a sandwich extra (2 meals mind you)
9:35am~ Choc. MRS ~LOVE them, but I know people are probably getting sick of hearing me say that.
Today it was challenging to drink. I'm just not hungry... which is totally becoming the norm. I still can't believe I used the word challenging & chocolate in the same sentence & it wasn't regarding eating like a TON of it or something...
But yet somehow disappointing, since I really do like them. Perhaps I might need to switch it up this weekend & go back on MNS 3 instead to see how it does. (3 is for wellness not mostly appetite control like "C") but I might wait another 14 days yet.... I wanted to possibly try "e" for energy but think that might just be a bit too much energy for during the week days, if I don't work it out of my system later on in the day.... not to mention my "e" got sold already, so I'd have to wait possibly a week to do that anyways unless I asked for an exchange from an uplink. I bought 4 btls of Catalyst on sale & split some shipping... I've got all but 1 of them already sold before they even come in...4 days from now.
12:15pm. Still not hungry but took my 30min pre-pills at noon.
1pm~ finally got around to eating 1/2 a wheat "Narmer" from E&G it was really good & filling, I'm full. I also had them take the mayo off of it since it has guac. on it too.
3:50pm~ Snack time of some cashews & some dried raspberries (not even a serving)
dinner~ Cheese burger single with 1Tbs. guac & 4 mac & cheese breaded baked bites. (Technically dessert really)
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